Tuesday, January 24, 2006

All My Desires

All my desires are selfish. When I think about how I want my life to be in the future - my family, my career, where I want to go, etc. It is all centered around me. What I enjoy doing, what I like to learn or think about... If I could only purge myself of this constant fantasy world, I would be a free man! I would for the first time have a clear mind.

There's a popular bumper sticker that says "Question Authority". I think it should say "Question Your Fantasies". All our fantasies I would bet are 100% wrong. They are nothing more than lies. Have you ever experienced something that you anticipated greatly, where you had spent many hours thinking about how it would play out? How did the experience compare to how you dreamed it would be? Not very similar, huh? Probabaly not even close. Your fantasies don't consider the negative side - difficulties or unpleasantries - your mind just thinks it's going to be exactly the way you want it to be.

Brother Andrew wanted adventure so he decided to be a commando in the Dutch Army. He didn't consider that he was going to be killing people and seeing horrific scenes. He became so disgusted with himself that he eventually wanted to get killed. He didn't consider that God had a plan for him that was better than his plan, and it also included the adventure he was looking for.

Even though I know all this I still engage in this folly.

Dear God, I pray that you will remove the fantasies, that are nothing more than lies, from my mind. Fill my mind with what I can do to fulfill the needs of those in my life that are close to me. My fantasies are not as important as the needs of those around me. Lori, Sarah, my parents, my siblings, friends, and co-workers. I know that your plan far exceeds my own imagination.

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